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Single Side Fabric light box

Views : 622
Author : Daisy
Update time : 2021-10-23 10:43:32
Single Side Fabric light box : This product is frame-less fabric light box. This is very effective for indoor and semi outdoor advertisement.

This is made by LED light box and front side is transparent fabric. This fabric can change according to different promotion and services.

When special LED lights turn on in Fabric light box, it give very powerful light effect to attracting peoples. These fabric light box can be use for shops, restaurants, offices and malls.

We are making custom sizes of Fabric light box. This product is new product and very demanding product in market.

Fabric light box has inside special type of LED light, which through lights in 360 degree. So on Fabric light box can not see any hot spot or shadows. Topside of light box, has special fabric which can show any picture or writing with bright effect.

This fabric light box can be Single sided or double sided. Fabric light box can be use indoor or semi outdoor. this can be installed on glass windows also, so people can see from outside.
Fabric light box can be install inside shop or office also.